Gmail groups email same titled responses -click on it to see all the messages -delete whole group -or delete one message at a time (click drop down arrow) Search Abilities from: author to: label: has:attachment ....etc. google for help page Example: filename:*.pdf the list of email will open with opened email containing desired search New tips + Gmail help - go to Gmail Blog Gmail Settings Accounts - can be setup to forward mail over so email go to one account: can setup label to tell from JHSPH account Example: use student-l list label email then click label, and click all delete Archive -Stores email away so you don't have to see it, but you can still keep -This way you can keep email you don't want to see, only if you search for it -e or y for archiving Keyboard Shortcuts -turn it on, then click learn more about it -or Shift+? will tell you all of the gmail commands -Shift+G will mark unread -forward slash (\) to do quick search -V label it and archive, L will label it -. brings up more actions, usually V+L suffice Labs: Offline - to work on emails offline Green flask on the top Send+Archive Enable Google calendar gadget - will put a small calender at the sidebar -allows easy use of add to not have to go back calendar to calendar Email appointment - can click "add to calendar" Go to label - useful Navbar drag and drop - can move things up and down in different orders A lot of cool functionalities one can add Attachments to Emails: Can attach more than one attachment using ctrl And can view the completion rate Can download all attachments using the link Tasks: try the lab or Use a label - to do, then you can email yourself with subject To-do then you can delete tasks by deleting emails Request people to do things then have email request along with actual todos "Better Gmail" - firefox add-on setups a lot of useful functionalities Filters: setups what you want to do with emails with keywords Tips: help with labeling if you put accidental dots, will still send the email to the right person (i.e. Try out googledesktop Drag and drop upload for firefox trouble moving from yahoo or hotmail to gmail, but not other way around