Free additional Stata commands -- for personal copies of Stata
Note: After installation, type "help command_name" to get documentation on the commands
Command  Purpose How to find and install
hotdeck Multiple imputation of missing data Command: findit hotdeck
Follow links to STB-54 sg116.1
Click sg116,1 to install
Instructions: help hotdeck
meta analysis commands Series of commands in Stata for meta-analysis More information 
pwcorrs Matrix of Spearman's rank correlation coefficients and associated P-values Command: findit pwcorrs
Follow links and install the "sg64" package
Follow links and install the "sg64.1" update; Select "Force Installation" when warned that the package is already installed
ralloc Generate plans for random allocation to treatments Command: findit ralloc
Follow links to STB 54 sxd1.2 and click to install.
Also get the auxilliary files

Ordinary case-cohort design and analysis Command: findit sbe41
Follow links to sbe41
Click to install; also get the ancillary files
swaic Forward or backwards stepwise selection of a set of predictors with best AIC (Akaike's Information Criterion) Command: findit swaic
Follow links to sg134 Clinic to install; also get the ancillary files

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