Create Your Account--Please enter the following information

Username: This is how we identify you in the system. The username may be 5-12 characters in length. The first character must be a letter but the remaining characters may consist of letters, numbers, and underscores.

Password: Your password must be 8-12 characters in length. You should avoid using words that can be found in the dictionary or using facts that can be found out about you. Your telephone number would make a poor password, for example. While we have taken precautions to protect your password you should AVOID choosing the same password that you use to protect vital info such as your bank or credit card accounts.

Full Name: How you want to be identified if we need to correspond with you.

Email Address: Please enter your email address (user@domain). We will use this info as a point of contact in case there is a problem. Should you ever lose your password, we will email your reset code to this address.