#################### # Module 3 - Lab # 6/10/13 #################### ## In this lab you can use the interactive console to explore but please record your commands here. # Remember anything you type here can be "sent" to the console with Cmd-Enter (OS-X) or Cntr-Enter (Windows/Linux). # 1. Load in the `CO2` dataset (which is included like the `iris` dataset # 2. What class is `CO2`? # 3. How many observations (rows) and variables (columns) are in the `CO2` dataset? # 4. How many different "plants" are in the data? (hint: `length` and `unique`) # 5. How many different "types" are in the data? # 6. Tabulate "type" and "treatment" - what are the dimensions of the resulting table? # hint: you can assign tables to variables # 7. Create a new `data.frame` named `CO2.even` that contains the even rows of `CO2` # hint: subsetting and `seq` (note the `by` argument) # 8. How many observations are in `CO2.even`? # 9. What are the sums of the a) concentrations and b) uptake values in the `CO2.even` dataset? # And what are their means?