################# # Data Cleaning and Plotting ############## ## Download the "Real Property Taxes" Data from OpenBaltimore: ## https://data.baltimorecity.gov/Property/Real-Property-Taxes/27w9-urtv ## as a .csv file tax2 = read.csv("~/../Downloads/Real_Property_Taxes.csv",as.is=TRUE) yr = sapply(strsplit(tax$asOfDate,"/"), "[",3) tax = tax[yr == "2012",] # 1. Read the Property Tax data into R and call it the variable `tax` # tax = read.csv("Real_Property_Taxes.csv", as.is=TRUE) load("C:/Users/Andrew/Downloads/propertyTaxes.rda") tax = taxes table(tax$resCode) library(stringr) tax$resCode = str_trim(tax$resCode) table(tax$resCode) # convert to numeric $$ tax$cityTax = as.numeric(gsub("$","",tax$cityTax,fixed=TRUE)) tax$stateTax = as.numeric(gsub("$","",tax$stateTax,fixed=TRUE)) tax$amountDue = as.numeric(gsub("$","",tax$amountDue,fixed=TRUE)) # 2. How many addresses pay property taxes? dim(tax) # ? all homes in dataset length(unique(tax$propertyAddress)) # those with unique address length(unique(tax$propertyAddress[tax$cityTax > 0])) # and those that have non-zero city length(unique(tax$propertyAddress[tax$cityTax >0 & tax$stateTax > 0])) table(tax$amountDue > 0) table(tax$amountDue > tax$cityTax+tax$stateTax) # 3. What is the total city and state tax charged? colSums(tax[,c("cityTax","stateTax")]) sum(tax$cityTax) sum(tax$stateTax) sum(colSums(tax[,c("cityTax","stateTax")])) sum(tax$cityTax) + sum(tax$stateTax) sum(tax$cityTax, tax$stateTax)/1e6 sum(tax$amountDue)/1e6 # 4. What is the 75th percentile of city and state tax paid by ward? tapply(tax$cityTax, tax$ward, quantile, prob=0.75, na.rm=TRUE) tapply(tax$stateTax, tax$ward, quantile, prob=0.75, na.rm=TRUE) # 5. Using `tapply()` and/or `table()` wardList =split(tax,tax$ward) # a. how many observations are in each ward? table(tax$ward) sapply(wardList, nrow) # b. what is the mean state tax per ward tapply(tax$stateTax, tax$ward, mean) sapply(wardList, function(x) mean(x$stateTax)) # c. what is the maximum amount still due? tapply(tax$amountDue, tax$ward, max) sapply(wardList, function(x) max(x$amountDue)) # 6. Make boxplots using a) default and b) ggplot2 graphics showing cityTax # by whether the property is a principal residence or not. boxplot(cityTax ~ resCode, data=tax,ylab="city tax") ct10 = log10(tax$cityTax+1) # try log10 boxplot(ct10 ~ tax$resCode,ylab="log10(city tax+1)", cex.axis=.6) boxplot(ct10 ~ tax$resCode,names = c("Not", "Is"), ylab="log10(city tax+1)") boxplot(ct10 ~ tax$resCode,ylab="log10(city tax+1)", yaxt="n") axis(2, at = 0:6, labels = paste0("$",10^(0:6))) ## ggplot2 library(ggplot2) qplot(factor(resCode), cityTax, data = tax, geom = "boxplot") qplot(factor(resCode), log10(cityTax+1),data = tax, geom = "boxplot") # 7. Subset the data to only retain those houses that are principal residences. # a) How many such houses are there? tax2 = tax[tax$resCode=="PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE",] nrow(tax2) # b) Describe the distribution of property taxes on these residences. hist(log10(tax2$cityTax+1)) quantile(tax2$cityTax) hist(log10(tax2$stateTax+1)) quantile(tax2$stateTax) # 8. Convert the 'lotSize' variable to a numeric square feet variable. # Tips: - Assume hyphens represent decimal places within measurements. # - 1 acre = 43560 square feet # - Don't spend more than 5-10 minutes on this; stop and move on tax2$lotSize = str_trim(tax2$lotSize) # trim white space lot = tax2$lotSize # i want to check later # first lets take care of acres aIndex= grep("ACRE.*", tax2$lotSize) acre = tax2$lotSize[aIndex] acre = gsub(" ACRE.*","",acre) acre[is.na(as.numeric(acre))] acre = gsub("-",".",acre,fixed=TRUE) acre[is.na(as.numeric(acre))] acre = gsub("ACRES","", acre, fixed=TRUE) acre[is.na(as.numeric(acre))] acre = gsub("O","0", acre, fixed=TRUE) acre = gsub("Q","", acre, fixed=TRUE) acre2 = as.numeric(acre)*43560 ### now feet fIndex = grep("X", tax2$lotSize) ft = tax2$lotSize[fIndex] ft = gsub("-",".",ft,fixed=TRUE) width = as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(ft,"X"),"[", 1)) width = as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(ft,"X"),function(x) x[1])) length = as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(ft,"X"),"[", 2)) sqft = width*length # now add column tax2$sqft = rep(NA) tax2$sqft[aIndex] = acre2 tax2$sqft[fIndex] = sqft mean(!is.na(tax2$sqft)) # some are already sq ft sIndex=c(grep("FT", tax2$lotSize), grep("S.*F.", tax2$lotSize)) sf = tax2$lotSize[sIndex] sqft2 = as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(sf," "),function(x) x[1])) tax2$sqft[sIndex] = sqft2 table(is.na(tax2$sqft)) # 50 ## progress! lot[is.na(tax2$sqft)] # 9.a) Plot your numeric lotSize versus cityTax on principal residences. # b) How many values of lot size were missing? plot(log10(tax2$cityTax+1), log10(tax2$sqft)) # b) How many values of lot size were missing? sum(is.na(tax2$sqft)) # 50!! ################################ ## Read in the Salary FY2012 dataset # 10. Make an object called health.sal using the salaries data set, # with only agencies of those with "fire" (or any forms), if any, in the name Sal = read.csv("data/Baltimore_City_Employee_Salaries_FY2012.csv", as.is=TRUE) Sal$AnnualSalary = as.numeric(gsub("$","",Sal$AnnualSalary,fixed=TRUE)) Sal$GrossPay = as.numeric(gsub("$","",Sal$GrossPay, fixed=TRUE)) health.sal = Sal[grep("fire", Sal$Agency, ignore.case=TRUE),] # 11. Make a data set called trans which contains only agencies that contain "TRANS". trans = Sal[grep("trans", Sal$Agency,ignore.case=TRUE),] # 12. What is/are the profession(s) of people who have "abra" in their name for Baltimore's Salaries? table(Sal$JobTitle[grep("abra", Sal$name)]) # 13. What is the distribution of annual salaries look like? What is the IQR? hist(Sal$AnnualSalary) quantile(Sal$AnnualSalary) # 14. Convert HireDate to the `Date` class - plot Annual Salary vs Hire Date Sal$HireDate = as.Date(Sal$HireDate, "%m/%d/%Y") # 15. Plot annual salary versus hire date. # Hint: first convert to numeric and date respectively plot(AnnualSalary ~ HireDate, data=Sal) plot(Sal$HireDate, Sal$AnnualSalary) # 16. Create a smaller dataset that only includes the # Police Department, Fire Department and Sheriff's Office. Sal$Agency = str_trim(Sal$Agency) Sal2 = Sal[Sal$Agency %in% c("Police Department", "Fire Department", "Sheriff's Office"),] # a. How many employees are in this new dataset? dim(Sal2) nrow(Sal2) # 17. Replot annual salary versus hire date, color by Agency using # i) regular plotting and ii) ggplot2 plot(AnnualSalary ~ HireDate, data=Sal2, col = as.numeric(factor(Agency))) legend("topleft", levels(factor(Sal2$Agency)), col = 1:3, pch = 15) yl = quantile(Sal2$AnnualSalary, c(0,0.995)) qplot(x=HireDate, y=AnnualSalary, data=Sal2, geom=c("point", "smooth"), color=Agency, ylim = yl) ggplot(Sal2, aes(x=HireDate, y=AnnualSalary, color=Agency)) + geom_point(shape=19) + ylim(yl) + geom_smooth(method=loess, se=TRUE, fullrange=TRUE,size=3,n=150)