#################### # Module 6 - Lab # 1/8/14 #################### ## Part A # Bike Lanes Dataset: BikeBaltimore is the Department of Transportation's bike program. # https://data.baltimorecity.gov/Transportation/Bike-Lanes/xzfj-gyms # Download as a CSV (like the Monuments dataset) in your current working directory bike = read.csv("Bike_Lanes.csv",as.is=TRUE,na.strings=" ") # 1. How many bike "lanes" are currently in Baltimore? nrow(bike) # 2. How many (a) feet and (b) miles of bike "lanes" are currently in Baltimore? sum(bike$length) sum(bike$length)/5280 sum(bike$length/5280) # 3. How many types of bike lanes are there? # Which type has (a) the most number of and (b) longest average bike lane length? length(unique(bike$type)) tab=table(bike$type) tab[which.max(tab)] tab = tapply(bike$length, bike$type ,mean) tab[which.max(tab)] # 4. How many different projects do the "bike" lanes fall into? # Which project category has the longest average bike lane? length(unique(bike$project)) tab = tapply(bike$length,bike$project,mean,na.rm=TRUE) tab[which.max(tab)] ## Part B # Download the CSV: http://biostat.jhsph.edu/~ajaffe/files/indicatordeadkids35.csv # Via: http://www.gapminder.org/data/ # Definition of indicator: How many children the average couple had that die before the age 35. death = read.csv("http://biostat.jhsph.edu/~ajaffe/files/indicatordeadkids35.csv", as.is=TRUE,row.names=1) death2 = read.csv("http://biostat.jhsph.edu/~ajaffe/files/indicatordeadkids35.csv", as.is=TRUE) rownames(death2) = death2$X death2$X=NULL rownames(death2) # 5. How many countries have data in any year? dim(death) !is.na(death)[1:5,1:5] table(rowSums(!is.na(death))) # 6. When did measurements in the US start? death["United States",] # death[death$X=="United States",] !is.na(death["United States",]) allIndex= which(!is.na(death["United States",])) allIndex[1] i= which(!is.na(death["United States",]))[1] colnames(death)[i] ## one line version colnames(death)[which(!is.na(death["United States",]))[1]] # 7. How many countries, and which, had data the first year of measuring? !is.na(death[,1]) which(!is.na(death[,1])) rownames(death)[which(!is.na(death[,1]))]