### Module 9 - lab # 1/8/2015 ## you will need data from: ## https://data.baltimorecity.gov/browse?limitTo=datasets ## A. Baltimore_City_Employee_Salaries_FY2014 ## B. Monuments # Salaries data: # 1. Make an object called health.sal using the salaries data set, # with only agencies of those with "fire" (or any forms), if any, in the name # 2. Make a data set called trans which contains only agencies that contain "TRANS". # 3. What is/are the profession(s) of people who have "abra" in their name for Baltimore's Salaries? # 4. What is the distribution of annual salaries look like? What is the IQR? # 5. Convert HireDate to the `Date` class - plot Annual Salary vs Hire Date # Monuments data: # 6. How many monuments contain the phrase "Monument" in them?