## 140.886: Intro to R ## Homework 3 ## Assigned Date: 1/7/2015 ## Due Date: 1/9/2015 ## Name: # Instructions: # 1) Get the dataset: http://biostat.jhsph.edu/~ajaffe/files/kaggleCarAuction.csv # 2) Read the "dictionary": http://biostat.jhsph.edu/~ajaffe/files/Carvana_Data_Dictionary.txt # This is a dataset from the "Kaggle" website, which hosts competitions for prediction and machine learning. # More details on this dataset are here: # http://www.kaggle.com/c/DontGetKicked/details/Background library(stringr) df = read.delim('http://biostat.jhsph.edu/~ajaffe/files/Carvana_Data_Dictionary.txt', sep="\t", row.names= NULL, as.is = TRUE) #### Trailing white space deletion df$row.names = str_trim(df$row.names) df$Field.Name = str_trim(df$Field.Name) df$X = str_trim(df$X) df$X.1 = str_trim(df$X.1) df$X.2 = str_trim(df$X.2) df$Definition = str_trim(df$Definition) df$Definition = paste(df$Field.Name, df$X, df$X.1, df$X.2, df$Definition) df$Definition = str_trim(df$Definition) df$Field.Name = df$row.names df$row.names = df$X = df$X.1 = df$X.2 = NULL ### OR df = read.delim('http://biostat.jhsph.edu/~ajaffe/files/Carvana_Data_Dictionary2.txt', sep="\t", row.names= NULL, as.is = TRUE) # Questions # 1) Read in the dataset itself, naming the R object "cars" into R (as separate objects). ### Save them together in an ".rda" file so you can access the data offline. # 2) How many cars are in the dataset? How many variables are recorded for each car? # 3) What is the range of the manufacturer's years of the vehicles? How many cars were from before 2004, and what percent/proportion of the cars are these older models? # 4) Drop any vehicles that cost less than $1000 - how many vehicles were removed, and how much were they? The rest of the questions expect answers based on this reduced dataset. # 5) How many different vehicle a) manufacturers/makes b) models and c) sizes are there? # 6) Which vehicle a) make, b) model and c) color had the highest average acquisition cost paid for the vehicle at time of purchase, and what was this cost? # 7) Which vehicle a) make, b) model and c) color had the highest variability in acquisition cost paid for the vehicle at time of purchase? # 8) Display the relationship between acquisition cost and mileage, and describe this relationship # 9) Which variables of cost, odometer reading, and/or warranty (if any) visually appear to associate with a car being a "lemon"/bad purchase? # 10) How many vehicles: # a. Were red and have fewer than 50,000 miles? # b. Are made by GMC and were purchased in Florida? # c. Are green or white? # d. Are made by Mazda or Nissan and are black or silver? # e. Are automatic, blue, Pontiac cars with under 60,000 miles?