# a simple implementation of Rosenblatt's algorithm # Input: # x: training covariates # y: label coding (assumed -1 and +1) # beta0: initial point for beta, can be single number or vector of size ncol(x) # tol: tolerance for convergence check # minepochs: minimum number of times to cycle all training points (training epochs) # maxepochs: maximum number of training epochs # verbose: print messages as iterations go # # Output: estimated weight vector (beta) rosen <- function(x, y, beta0=1, tol=1e-8, minepochs=2, maxepochs=100, verbose=FALSE) { N <- nrow(x) p <- ncol(x) if (length(y) != N) { stop("The number of rows in x is not the length of y") } if (length(beta0==1)) beta0=rep(beta0,p) if (length(beta0) != p) { stop("The dimension of beta0 is not the number of columns in x") } # make it stochastic! o <- sample(N) x <- x[o,] y <- y[o] itlim <- maxepochs * N itmin <- minepochs * N eps <- .Machine$double.xmax beta <- beta0 i <- 0; while ((eps > tol && i < itlim) || (i < itmin)) { beta0 <- beta ind <- (i %% N) + 1 # check if this point is misclassified d <- y[ind] * crossprod(beta, x[ind,]) if (d < 0) { # it is, update beta beta <- beta0 + y[ind] * x[ind,] } # update epsilon eps <- sqrt(sum((beta0-beta)^2))/sqrt(sum(beta0^2)) i <- i+1 if (verbose) cat(sprintf("It: %d ind:%d d:%.4f eps: %.4f\n", i, ind, d, eps)) } if (i==itlim) warning("Failed to converge") return(beta) }