1. peak list (*.cod) Column1: peak rank Col2: chromosome Col3: peak start Col4: peak end Col5: peak strand (currently all +) Col6: peak length Col7: minFDR = minimal false discovery rate for all W bp windows within the peak Col8: minFDR_pos = the center of the W bp window in which minFDR is obtained Col9: max|FC| = maximal |log2(fold change)| within a W bp window Col10: max|FC|_pos = the center of the W bp window in which max|FC| is obtained Col11: pos_read_num = number of ChIP reads within the peak Col12: neg_read_num = number of control reads within the peak Col13-22: information for 5' reads. Col13-18 are counterparts to col7-12. Col19: Fmaxpos_readnum = maximal number of 5' ChIP reads within a W bp window. Col20: Fmaxpos_readnum_pos = the center of the W bp window in which the Fmaxpos_readnum was obtained. Col21: Fmaxneg_readnum = maximal number of 5' control reads within a W bp window. Col22: Fmaxneg_readnum_pos = the center of the W bp window in which the Fmaxneg_readnum was obtained. Col23-32: information for 3' reads. They are counterparts to col13-22. Col33: Rmode-Fmode = distance between the 5' and 3' peaks. Col34: Delta = {2^min(5' max|FC|, 3' max|FC|)}/2^{max(5' max|FC|, 3' max|FC|)} Col35: maxPosN = maximal number of ChIP reads within a W bp window. Col36: maxPosN_pos = the center of the W bp window in which maxPosN was obtained. Col37: maxNegN = maximal number of control reads within a W bp window. Col38: maxNegN_pos = the center of the W bp window in which maxNegN was obtained. 2. peak signals ([your output file title].*.bar) *.pos.bar = ChIP read counts in a W bp window. A sliding window with length W bp is used to scan genome at a step size S. S is specified by -s option in the hts_peakdetectorv2_2sample. Default S = 25 bp. *.neg.bar = control read counts. *_F.*.bar = read counts for 5' reads. *_R.*.bar = read counts for 3' reads. *.log2fc.bar = log2(ChIP/control) fold enrichment for a W bp window. A sliding window with length W bp is used to scan genome at a step size S.