### This is a sample configuration file ## data section is used to describe some general configurations of experimental design [data] ## Experimental title. Temporary R results will be saved under this name. Title=Affy_test ## If the format line is missing by default program thinks the inputs are CEL files. ## Alternative option is "text", which is for data from other platform. Format=cel ## Bpmap files used. This is only useful when input files are Affymetrix CEL files Bpmap = /dir/to/CEL/Mm_PromPR_v02-1_NCBIv36.bpmap ## Location for CEL files CelFolder =/dir/to/CEL ## Whether the CEL files are paired. 1 means paired, 0 means unpaired Pair = 0 ## Working folder. Both temporary and final results will be written to this folder. WorkFolder=. ## list of CEL files, each row is for a condition. ## If the CEL files are paired, files need to be specified in ## orders such as IP1, control1, IP2, control2, etc. ## If they are not paired, a "Group" section need to be specified. ## Left hand side of the "=" is the condition name, ## which will be used for output file names. ## When input files are not from Affymetrix this section will be omitted. [cel] cond1=Cond1_IP1.CEL Cond1_IP2.CEL Cond1_CT1.CEL Cond1_CT2.CEL cond2=Cond2_IP1.CEL Cond2_IP2.CEL Cond2_CT1.CEL Cond2_CT2.CEL cond3=Cond3_IP1.CEL Cond3_IP2.CEL Cond3_CT1.CEL Cond3_CT2.CEL cond4=Cond4_IP1.CEL Cond4_IP2.CEL Cond4_CT1.CEL Cond4_CT2.CEL ## For non-paired experiments. Number of lines and left hands of "=" must ## match the [cel] section. In this example cond1=1100 means under [cel] ## section, first 2 CEL files for cond1 condition are from IP channels ## and the last 2 are from control channels. [Group] cond1=1100 cond2=1100 cond3=1100 cond4=1100 ## Parameters for peak finding. [peak finding] ## Maximum gap between two adjecent probes allowed in a peak. maxGap=300 ## Minimum number of probes allowed for a peak. MinProbe=6 ## Length of a potential binding region. candidateLength=1000 ## Allowable peak length with in the potential binding regions. bumpLength=300 500 700 900 ## FDR cutoff values for defining a peak list. FDRcutoff=0.2 ## Method to compute FDR for a peak list. ## 0: compute from posterior probabilities (faster and recommended); ## 1: empirically estimate from data using negative intensities. computeFDR=0