Links and Supplements

[ Structural Bioinformatics | Perl for Bioinformatics | 2010 Nucleic Acids Research Data Base Issue ]

Data Bases and Web Servers
[ PDB | MMDB | SCOP | CATH | DALI/FSSP | 3Dee | VAST | DOMAC | Domain Parser | pDomains | PRODOM | PFAM | CDD | PROSITE | DOMPRED | PISCES | I-SITES ]

Viewers and Tutorials on Visualization
[ Swiss PDB Viewer | Jmol | Rasmol | Molscript | Protein Explorer | TOPS | RASMOL Quick reference | Eric Martz' webpage (MolviZ/Jmol) | Gale Rhodes' DeepView tutorial | Gale Rhodes' RasMol tutorial ]

Bioinformatics Links
[ ZLAB from Boston University | Bioinformatics Tools for Protein Structures ]

Info on Structure, Motif, Domain
[ PDF file format | Principles of Protein Structure | Terminolgy: Motif, Fold, Domain | Key for I-SITES profiles ]

[ Protein Structure | Protein Domain ]

Alexandrov and Shindyalov (2003): PDP: protein domain parser.
Andreeva et al (2004): SCOP database in 2004: refinements integrate structure and sequence family data.
Bateman et al (2004): The Pfam protein families database.
Berman et al (2000): The Protein Data Bank.
Holm and Sander (1993): Protein structure comparison by alignment of distance matrices.
Holm and Sander (1994): The FSSP database of structurally aligned protein fold families.
Holm and Sander (1996): Mapping the protein universe.
Holm and Sander (1998): Touring protein fold space with Dali/FSSP.
Murzin et al (1995): SCOP: a structural classification of proteins database for the investigation of sequences and structures.
Novotny and Kleywegt (2005): survey of left-handed helices in protein structures.
Orengo et al (1997): CATH - a hierarchic classification of protein domain structures.
Pearl et al (2005): The CATH Domain Structure Database and related resources Gene3D and DHS provide comprehensive domain family information for genome analysis.
Thornton et al (1999): Protein folds, functions and evolution.