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Statistical Methods in Public Health III
Department of Biostatistics, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Third Term
January 19 - March 12, 2016
Marie Diener-West, PhD (Section
Office E3622, 410-502-6894
John McGready, PhD (Section 140.623.02)
Office E3543, 410-614-9405
Department of Biostatistics
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
10:30 am-12 pm Tuesday, Thursday
LABS for review of material through a structured
exercise and time for questions:
Lab 1: |
Monday |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Hygiene W3008 |
Lab 2: |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Hygiene W3008 |
Lab 3: |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Hygiene W3008 |
Lab 4: |
Thursday |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Hygiene W3008 |
Lab 5: |
Friday |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Hygiene W3008 |
Lab 6: |
Monday |
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM |
Hygiene W3008 |
Lab 7: |
Tuesday |
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM |
Hygiene W3008 |
Lab 8: |
Wednesday |
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM |
Hygiene W3008 |
Lab 9: |
Thursday |
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM |
Hygiene W3008 |
Note: 3:00 - 3:30PM
is open time in lab for questions |
(starting Wednesday, January 21, optional) |
Monday - Friday |
2:30 - 3:20 PM |
Hygiene W3017 |
Yibing Chen
Yu Du
Emily Huang
Jordan Johns
Youjin Lee
Lu Li
Shuiqing Liu
Haidong Lu
Leslie Myint
Huitong Qiu
Claire Ruberman
Genevieve Stein-O’Brien
Yuting Xu
Chao Yang
COMPUTER LAB for Stata help
Wednesday, Jan 20)
Mon thru Fri |
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM |
Hygiene W3025 |
Available through CoursePlus or
http://biostat.jhsph.edu/courses/bio623 Userid: bio623
Password: (given in class)
Contains course schedule, office hours, lecture notes, self-evaluation
problems, Stata lecture notes, problem sets, quizzes, solution keys,
and data sets.
- An audio lecture is available and posted after each lecture on
the course website in the "Classes" section.
Recommended book for which we will provide reading assignments:
Bernard Rosner, Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 2011,
Duxbury, Thomson Brooks/Cole,
Belmont, CA.
Suggested book:
Lawrence C. Hamilton.
Statistics with Stata 12 2013, Duxbury, Thomson Brooks/Cole,
Belmont, CA.
Basic functions (+, -, x, ÷), logarithms and
exponents, simple memory and recall, factorial key.
Course Policies:
Attendance is
required for quizzes and exams and expected for lectures and
Laptops and iPads
may be used during lecture for class-related purposes. Common
courtesy should be followed.
Please email your
faculty lecturer regarding extenuating circumstances or
conflicts regarding course deadlines.
Availability for
course questions: after lecture, during labs, TA office hours,
and Stata office hours.
Course Grade based on:
- 20% completion of 4 problem sets (points deducted if turned in late)
- 5% Quiz 1 (in class)
- 5% Quiz 2 (in class)
- 35% Midterm examination (in class)
- 35% Final examination (in class)
Contact your
section lecturer if you have a conflict, illness, or other
Quizzes and
examinations are individual work for which a student must work
by himself or herself.
Problem sets may
be worked on together and discussed. However, each student must
write up the problem set individually using his or her own
words. Copying work is not allowed.
Support Services
If you are a student with a documented
disability who requires an academic accommodation, please
contact Betty H. Addison in the Office of Career Services and
Disability Support: dss@jhsph.edu, 410-955-3034, or Room
Academic Ethics
Code The code, discussed in the Policy and Procedure Memorandum
for Students, March 31, 2002, will be adhered to in this class (https://my.jhsph.edu/Resources/PoliciesProcedures/ppm/Policy
ProcedureMemoranda/Students 01 Academic Ethics.pdf)
Students enrolled
in the Bloomberg School of Public Health of The Johns Hopkins
University assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a
manner appropriate to the University's mission as an institution
of higher education. A student is obligated to refrain from acts
which he or she knows, or under the circumstances has reason to
know, impair the academic integrity of the University.
| Schedule |
| Problem Sets
| Quizzes/Exams |
TA Log
Last updated
Tuesday, March 29, 2016 |
Department of Biostatistics,
Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health
All Rights
Reserved |