Introduction to R - Fall 2010

Welcome to the class. This page will be your resource for downloading presentations, notes, code, and other various links. The class is M 3:30-4:30 in W2015. Lectures might not in their final form until the Sunday before each lecture.

Here is the syllabus and a running list of R functions that we have covered

Lecture 1: Getting R up and running, installing a text editor, interfacing that editor with R, using R as a calculator, and assigning
         - Here are a few useful guides: Undergraduate Guide to R, Quick R (a guide for Stata and SAS users), and R's own Introduction. Here is some example code for the lecture.

Lecture 2: Importing, describing, recoding, and exporting data
         - Here is the dataset for this lecture.

Lecture 3: Data manipulation and summaries
         - Here is the dataset for this lecture.

Lecture 4: 'For' loops
         - Here is the dataset and the code used in the lecture.

Lecture 5: More loops
         - Here is the dataset and the code used in the lecture.

Lecture 6: Plotting
         - Here is the dataset and the code used in the lecture.

Lecture 7: Functions and Packages
         - Here is the code used in the lecture.

Results of the survey and the code used to make it