****LAB 12, WEDNESDAY 3/3/2004***** *****EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS ***Relation between smoking and MI*** infile id oc age smoke mi using "C:\My Documents\655LDA\LDA Data\infarc.raw" save using "C:\My Documents\655LDA\LDA Data\infarc.dta" tab smoke mi cci 26 17 40 117 ***See OR<>1**** ***Relation between OC use and MI*** tab oc mi cci 34 9 64 93 ***See OR<>1**** sort mi graph7 age, box by(mi) total s(o) ylab by mi: summ age **One sample t-test of the means*** ttesti 43 37.9 5.08 157 34.1 4.68 **Conclusion: there's a diffrenec between the means ***Logistic regression assuming independent responses***** logit mi age smoke oc, nolog ***same thing is done by glm mi age smoke oc, f(bin) l(logit)