Mei-Cheng Wang

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Research Interests

Dr. Wang is Professor of Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of Public Health. She received her Ph.D. degree in Statistics from University of California at Berkeley in 1985 and joined the faculty at Johns Hopkins University in the same year. She was one of the originators to study analytical methods for truncation, length-bias and prevalent sampling in prospective and retrospective follow-up studies, with emphasized applications to data collected through cohort studies or healthcare systems. Dr. Wang's research interests include failure time and survival analysis, longitudinal and recurrent event data, semiparametric inference, diagnostic testing and risk prediction, and sampling bias models. Dr. Wang is a fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA), an elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), and a fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). She has made considerable contributions to the statistical profession by serving as an Associate Editor for statistical journals including JASA-TM, JASA-ACS, Biometrics, LIDA, and Statistica Sinica, and serving as a Co-Editor for Statistics in Bioscience (SIBS). She has served as principal investigator and directed multiple NIH-sponsored grants to develop statistical methods for longitudinal and survival data which are relevant for healthcare registry data, prospective and retrospective follow-up studies, and clinical trials with applications to Cancers, AIDS, mental health and aging studies. Dr. Wang has served on panels for the NIH, NSF and SAMSI for scientific grants or institutional reviews. She has been leading the Survival, Longitudinal and Multivariate (SLAM) Data Working Group since 1997 at Department of Biostatistics, Bloomberg school of Public Health for various activities.

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