Advanced Methods in Biostatistics 2 (140.752)

Second term objectives: Experimental design, Analysis of variance, Random and mixed effects.

Text: Franklin A. Graybill, Theory and Application of the Linear Model, Wadsworth, 2000.

Useful links: [ General Course Info | Chuck Rohde's Notes | Julian Faraway's Book ]

NEW: Instead of an in-class final, please go through the following list of questions. They should help you to prepare for your 2nd year oral exam.

The data and the instructions for your report area here.

Date N R H C Topic
October31 Simultaneous confidence intervals
November2 Effects of departures from assumptions
7 Effects of departures from assumptions
9 Effects of departures from assumptions
14 Residuals and influence
16 Introduction to design and analysis of experiments
21 One-way analysis of variance
23 One-way analysis of variance
28 One-way analysis of variance
30 Nested and higher order designs
December5 Nested and higher order designs
7 Some more miscellaneous ANOVA topics
12 Linear mixed effects (Lecturer: Ciprian Crainiceanu)
14 Linear mixed effects (Lecturer: Ciprian Crainiceanu)
19 Linear mixed effects (Lecturer: Ciprian Crainiceanu)
21 Linear mixed effects (Lecturer: Ciprian Crainiceanu)

N: Notes R: Reading H: Homework C: Code